

I’m never too embarrassed to admit and share the mistakes I made when I started my business.

I’m on a mission to help as many women as possible to attract your dream clients into your business so you can quit your soul-sucking (or was that just mine?) 9-5 and actually get paid to do the work you LOVE.

I was totally clueless when I started my business 16 years ago, and if I’d understood these key components, not only would I have saved HUNDREDS of hours but I’d have brought in way more money, for sure!

Okay, so what were the 4 main marketing mistakes I made way back in 2008 that stopped me growing my business?

Let’s dive right in…


When I wrote the copy for my website and marketing materials, I didn’t take into account how and why people buy.

So I didn’t effectively explain how it could help a potential client (in a way that they actually cared about)!

I wrote things like, ‘A colour consultation helps even out your skin-tone and makes your eyes pop’!.

And I just talked about what happened in each consultation rather than the transformation someone gets!


2) Not sharing my story

A lot of people tend to think Personal Stylists are just for the rich and famous. (This might be the same in your industry too?)

People saw my ‘after’ and didn’t realise that I’d gone through a transformation. A massive one actually.

I was busying trying to hide that part of me though. I didn’t think they’d take me seriously, as a stylist, if they’d knew the hot mess I’d been before.

I tried to look as ‘perfect’ as I could because I thought that would be the best way to get people to hire me.

Psst...it was actually the opposite!

The result = the people I was trying to market to couldn’t really relate to me.



3) I gave away too much or too little

I didn’t understand content marketing at all back in 2008 (you probably worked that out by now).

I either held back in fear that I was giving away all of my knowledge…

Or I delivered free events and gave them so much value they didn’t need to hire me!



I didn’t have a clue who my Ideal Client was.

I didn’t want to know.

I was terrified that if I niched down I’d ‘leave money on the table’ and wouldn’t get any paying clients.

It was actually the opposite! When you’re crystal clear on your ideal client marketing is a 1000x easier!



  1. Exactly who your Ideal Client is.

  2. How to explain your services directly to your Ideal Client so they know you’re the solution.

  3. What content to share so you’re seen as an expert they want to hire.

  4. Which part of your story/journey people will relate most to.


Emma x

P.S. Want to read how I’ve helped others to grow their own businesses so they can do the work they love? Read their testimonials here.





If you’re a Personal Stylist and looking to grow your business then this blog is perfect for you.

You’ll not only see how my story can help you grow YOUR client base but you can have a gander at photos from 12+ years ago (I wish I had that jawline still! ;-)).

Take a read…

I started a business in 2008 as a Personal Stylist.

Well, when I say I started a business, what I mean is that I paid out over £6500 ($8300) in training to be a Personal Stylist.

I had NO idea how to actually run a business or get paying clients.

Other than asking friends and family if they wanted their ‘colours or wardrobe done’, of course. Ridiculously awkward!

So, I decided to use the skills I did have - teaching.

(I was a primary school teacher).

I put on a ‘Style & Colour Evening’ (in other words a talk) and invited 22 people.

I was shaking like a leaf (and actually cried on the day because I was so scared and wanted to cancel). But I put on my big girl pants, set up the room, delivered my talk and…

I got 4 bookings.

4 actual PAYING clients.

I was over the moon.

So I planned another event.

It escalated from there.

I went on to be a guest speaker for many organisations, including:

I even delivered talks and events in high street stores.

(Trust me, if I could do this then so can YOU!!)

I then put on workshops teaching women everything style, body shape and colour. Being PAID to actually teach what I was passionate about was a dream come true.

Speaking at events and workshops not only enables you to get paid for that time but you sign up clients too.

People love to see you and learn from you and then they want to hire you 1:1.

When I trained to be a coach in 2012, one of the first things I did was get myself booked to do a talk. And got my first PAYING 1:1 COACHING CLIENT.

Being a guest speaker is powerful! You get in front of an audience, you get seen as an expert. They love it. It grows your credibility and gets you paying clients! Win-win!

If you haven’t already utilised the power of being a guest speaker in your business then what are you waiting for??

Want some help with you? Keep reading…






I send you my 'Speak Your Way to Clients' module which includes:

  1. Training Video (1hr long) including the need vs wants of an audience; what makes a great talk and how to craft your event.

  2. Workbook full of questions to help you map out your talk/workshop/event ready to discuss with me on our call.

  3. My exact template of how I map out and structure my talks/events/workshops.


  1. We have a 2 hour call where we go over your content ideas.

  2. We’ll discuss how to make it interactive and fun for both you and your audience!

  3. We will ensure you have a strong introduction, exciting value-packed content and enticing call to action to end your talk (the end goal is for people to take the next step and work with you 1:1).

  4. I’ll teach you how to get all your notes for your 1-2hr talk onto a single postcard.

  5. I record the call to share with you and take notes so you don't have to.

  6. You leave finally having clarity on what to talk about and how so you are seen as a expert but still leave the audience eager to continue the journey with you and hire you!!


  1. List of places to offer to do your talks (24 of them!)

  2. ‘How to Collect Contact Details At Your Events’ guide.

  3. EFT videos to feel more confident before & during your talk.


  • Get known as the go-to expert in your niche and hired as a guest speaker?

  • Design a talk that matches your skills, love of what you do and gets your Ideal Clients excited to hire you?

  • Know where to find places to speak at?

  • Feel more confident on stage?



Please note: You don’t have to be a Personal Stylist/Image Consultant or Coach! I’ve helped MLM businesses, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists. If you’d love support mapping out your talk, get in touch because I’d love to help you too.


6 Powerful Client Attraction Affirmations


6 Powerful Client Attraction Affirmations

Let me tell you about someone who's on my email list. She runs a mobile salon and was having a slow week in her business.

She opened up an email I'd sent out which included a weekly affirmation*. 

I'll let her tell you what happened next…

"I received your email yesterday at the right time because I was not having a good day! I had nothing to lose so I decided to take action and said the affirmation you told me to, out loud for 5 minutes and went about my usual day.

Within a couple of hours, I had a telephone call after telephone calls with people wanting to book appointments at my mobile salon. I just couldn't believe it, it had actually worked. I felt so uplifted and happy that now this affirmation is part of my life. Thank you so much Emma." Sarah Brown.

An affirmation is a positive statement that you say in first person, present tense stating that you already have what you want…even though you don't!

I know how easy it is to get caught up in the busy-busy-busy-ness of running a business. So much so that we can often leave the mindset piece to the bottom of the pile.

But every hugely successful entrepreneur I've ever spoken to (and I'm talking 8-figure business owners) says the same thing: 


 So, take a pause from creating your next social media post and allow yourself to spend some time shifting your mindset into being a powerful client magnet. 

BELOW are 6 powerful client attraction affirmations for YOU to say out loud this week:

You can say them all.

Or just pick 1-2 of your favourites.

Set a timer on your phone and say them out loud for 5 minutes. 

BONUS: Do this 3 times, every day this week:

Don't underestimate the power of doing the mindset work even just for 5 minutes!!

Let me know your favourite and how you get on with it. I love hearing from my readers.


Emma x

P.S. Want help attracting your ideal clients, I’d love to help! Click here to contact me for 1:1 coaching or HERE to find out about my money mindset course.





Let's get straight to it - you started a business and that means you want more of your Ideal Clients to know you exist.

The more people who know who you are and how you can help them, the more clients you'll sign up, and more money you'll make.

Here in our community we're all about getting paid to do what we LOVE!

So how can we get more eyeballs on you and your business?

Obviously it goes without saying that you can post on any social media platforms: Facebook. Instagram. TikTok. LinkedIn.

You didn't need me to tell you that.

But what ELSE can you do to get more VISIBLE?

Here are 11 ways you might not be doing or haven't thought of:

  1. Be interviewed by someone else on THEIR social media page or group.

  2. Start your own blog & post MORE than once a week.

  3. Be a guest expert in someone else's program.

  4. Be an active and vocal participant in groups and courses you're part of.

  5. Improve the SEO and keywords on your site.

  6. Offer affiliate opportunities for past clients/customers.

  7. Join HARO (Help a Reporter Out) to be a quoted expert.

  8. Be a guest on someone's podcast.

  9. Post Instagram stories regularly that show YOU not just your business/services. This builds the know, like and trust factor and sets you apart from others in your industry.

  10. Join a co-working space that promotes their members.

  11. Direct message people on Instagram (authentic messages not a cold pitch) to build a connection. My own coach built a multi-7-figure business doing this!

I always like to overdeliver so I've got a 12th for you. And I saved the BEST for last:

12. Post regularly on Pinterest! This isn't a social media platform - it's a search engine and if your Ideal Clients have an account then you NEED to be pinning your content, otherwise you're missing out. For starters, pin your blog posts or even just your most popular IG posts to start off.

As always, I hope you found this helpful!

Here's to your success - your style!

Emma x

P.S. Want help with any of this? Click here to find out how to work with me to help you attract clients you love.


3 Things I Did To Have My First £3000 Month As A Personal  Stylist Back In 2009


3 Things I Did To Have My First £3000 Month As A Personal Stylist Back In 2009

So how did I have my first £3000 month as a business owner?

I'll cut to the chase, this is what I did:

1.    I stepped out of my comfort zone

2.    I learnt how to talk about my services properly

3.    I worked on my money mindset

I remember it clearly. It was August 2009.

I could only work part time because I was still trying to regain my energy and health after a chronic illness.

(Did I tell you about 2007 when my whole world changed after I got diagnosed with CFS, ended up in a wheelchair and then my long-term boyfriend who'd just bought me an engagement ring dumped me for a girl in his office?? Yeah, not the best year! But don't worry, everything turned out for the BEST!)

I was a primary school teacher and I needed to make sure the supposed 'slow month' (aka August when everyone tells you nobody hires a stylist) was my best in business.

I'd been working on my confidence and putting myself 'out there'. When I first trained I was so shy that I'd blush and stumble over my words when talking about what I did. I'd been bullied in secondary school and it'd left an indelible mark.

After working my way through copious personal development books and courses, I really started going to networking meetings; putting myself forward as a guest speaker; working with high street shops.

(Yup! Bit of a contrast to the Emma 2 years previously - I told you it all worked out).

I hired a business coach and she taught me how to start talking about my services effectively. Which meant that when I was interacting with potential clients they actually understood what I was selling! No more confused expressions like I used to get when I said, “I do colour analysis”.

These things really helped but it wasn't until I started to apply manifestation that things started to click. I'd made a vision board back in 2007 - yeah, after life had turned to sh!t - and was amazed as one-by-one the images on my board came into my life (I'll save that story for another day).

I could manifest Tiffany jewellery and free trips to Sydney but things really changed when I applied the mindset work to money and clients.

And that's when I had my first ever £3000 month from Personal Styling alone. Meaning £3000 cash into my bank account from doing what I LOVED.

I felt like I'd won the lottery. Better actually because I knew that I could replicate it. I knew I'd made a real difference in not just my life but the lives of those women I'd styled.

Honestly, I've never looked back.

I'm sharing this to hopefully remind you to keep going. The 2007 Emma would never have predicted what her life could look like.

Maybe you're nowhere near £3000 a month in your business or perhaps you're reaching for much higher, but it all still remains the same…to get to your goal in your business you need to:

1.    Step outside of your comfort zone (meaning work on your self-belief and take bold action)

2.    Talk about your services in a powerful way (meaning talk about the benefits not features)

3.    Work on your money mindset (meaning change your beliefs around money so you attract more).

You've got this.

The future YOU is so delighted you kept going.

Here's to your success - your style!

Emma x

P.S. Want help with any of this? I've done it, and you can do it too. Contact me for private coaching opportunities. I'd love to help you!


A Super Simple Way To Grow Your Email List


A Super Simple Way To Grow Your Email List

If you hadn't heard, email marketing is still one of the most powerful tools to grow your business.

I'm a numbers gal and love statistics. Truth be told, even if these stats aren't 100% fact, they still inspire the heck out of me. Apparently, a study found that:

  • Email is 40x more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.

  • Shoppers spend 138% more when marketed through email, as compared to those who do not receive email offers.

I mean wow! You don't have to tell me twice.

But how do you actually GROW an email list?

We know we need to have a *freebie* that people sign up to and then a series of automated emails to follow but once you've made all that, how do you get people (apart from your mum and your bestie) to sign up?


(*You're only reading this because you signed up to one of my freebies.*).


I've been growing my email list for years but this morning I heard a fabulous tip for an easy way to use Instagram Stories to grow your list. I had to come here and share it with you too!


I have no idea how I didn't think of it before because it's so obvious now. I often use IG Stories to grow my list but I'm totally going to implement this simple strategy every week!


  1. Create a carousel FOR IG storIES

    Create a carousel of Instagram story images (in Canva!) that show what your lead magnet is all about, who it's for, and why they need it.


    Post it on Instagram with a link to your landing page (where they add their email address). You used to need at least 10k followers to post a link in stories but now anyone can use the features - so take advantage of that.

  3. RE-USE it every week!

 Re-use the same carousel each week - you can obviously mix it up every few weeks if you want to but don’t make extra work for yourself unnecessarily. Don't worry about people seeing it again and again - they'll just be happy they signed up for your awesome emails! Plus we all know that we're at the mercy of the algorithms so not everyone will see every story.

Genius, right! I'll be doing the same for Facebook Stories too.

Off to Canva I go!

I hope you found this tip helpful!

Cheers to your success,

Emma x

P.S. If you don't have a freebie yet, I'd love to help. As long as you know who your Ideal Client is, I can help you come up with an enticing lead magnet that your audience is eager to sign up for. I have a special offer on: £177 for a 1.5 hour call. Only 5 spots available. Send me a message and let's get to growing YOUR list!






Image of books

If you're like most business owners I know, you want to get more engagement on your content and more paying clients.

So, let's talk stories and how they can help you grow your business.

Stories are how we learn best. Years before humans learnt to read and write, people passed on knowledge and experience through storytelling.

We teach children lessons through stories.

Our brains just love a story!

How can you use this to your advantage in your business? 

Share success stories.

Tell them about your own journey - I can pretty much guarantee that your Ideal Client is your ideal client because you've been where she is right now. You know how transformational your services are because you were your own first client.

Share success stories of your clients. Keep them anonymous, of course, unless you’ve been given permission.

(If your business is brand new then grab a couple of pro-bono clients and ask them if you can create a case study to share, in exchange for your service.)

So what type of stories lead to more clients?

1) Stories that show them you understand their PAIN POINTS:

Were you ever in your Ideal Client's shoes? If so, what was going on for you at that time? Describe their situation by sharing a story of when you (or a client) where in a similar situation.

What does your Ideal Client worry about? Tell a story of when you were worrying about this too. She'll know you really get her. This builds a strong connection straight away.

2) Stories that let them DREAM and realise change is possible for her too.

Write out your Ideal Client's desired goals (the ones YOU help her to reach!)

How will achieving these goals make her feel? Share a story or testimonial of a client who now feels this way, (as a result of working with you).

If she could wave a magic wand, what would your Ideal Client’s life look like? What stories demonstrate that you’re the person who can help her make this a reality?

When you share success stories, it does 3 things:

  1. Shows you’re skilled and have experience (even if it's just your own!).

  2. Helps your audience (and potential clients) understand exactly what you do (ever struggled to get someone to understand what you do? Tell them a story instead!).

  3. Sharing stories of how you’ve helped people makes it easier for others to remember and therefore THEY can share this and recommend you to anyone who’s your potential client.

So, have a think about stories you can share from your own experience and those of your clients. This will not only help you create your next batch of content for social media/blogs/newsletter/talks/videos (you're welcome ;-)) but it's the quickest way to demonstrate what you do and why your Ideal Client needs to hire you!

Emma xx

Would you like support with understanding exactly who your Ideal Client is and the best stories that will impact her and get her signing up to work with you? I would love to help! Click the button below to find out more about working with me.


6 Ways To Manifest New Clients

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6 Ways To Manifest New Clients

What is manifestation?

The word ‘manifestation' means to create or turn something from an idea into a reality. Manifestation means using our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to our physical reality. Sound woo-woo or too good to be true? Then keep reading because it’s changed my life and my business (and bank account!).

Manifesting works for 2 reasons and they aren’t as ‘out there’ as you may have first thought. I have a brain that needs to have proof of things - gimme the science!

Manifestation works for TWO reasons.


Everything is energy.

We know that.

It’s sooo weird to think about isn’t it, but we have been told this. It’s scientific FACT.

Everything is made up of energy.

Neither the MacBook I’m typing on nor the device you’re reading this on are what we think of as ‘solid’. A solid state, yes, but they are made up of tiny molecules bouncing around.

What differentiates one thing from another is the vibrational frequency and the density of the atoms they are made up from.

The LAW OF ATTRACTION states that ‘like attracts like’. This means that a high-frequency vibration attracts a high-frequency vibration back to it. And a low-frequency vibration attracts a low-frequency vibrations back to it.

Okay…now this next part can be sooo hard to get our head around but hear me out…our thoughts, emotions and feelings are also made up of energy. Different emotions have different frequencies.

When you change your thought  >>  you change your feelings and emotions >> then you have changed your vibrational frequency.

Which means you will attract different things back to you!!

So if you alter your thoughts and therefore your emotions, you can alter your vibration and ultimately…YOUR REALITY!

(Mind-blowing isn’t it!?).

And this knowledge can not only change your life but your BUSINESS.


Neuroplasticity = the brain's ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function in response to experience.

The other reason that ‘manifesting’ techniques work is because of what’s going on in our brain.

As we imagine what we want to attract into our life (clients, money, new home, soul mate, baby etc) then we are showing our brain this image over and over and it starts to form new pathways. It doesn’t actually know the difference between real and imagined. This is why you get goosebumps or your heart races when you are watching a scary film.

As we show our brain our desired reality (a.k.a. see in our mind the life we actually want to live) then our brain starts to develop new pathways and this raises our feelings of self-worth and begins to override limiting beliefs that would normally automatically stop you from even THINKING about taking any action towards a specific goal.

When we do manifestation mindset work…we are priming our brain to see opportunity and align our behaviour towards our desired goals.

So, can you manifest clients?

Yes. Absolutely.

You just have to stay in that vibration, the vibration of CLIENTS already being here. Then that is what you attract.

You can’t manifest more clients by saying: “Clients are coming to me.”

Even that seemingly powerful affirmation isn’t enough.

Because then you are saying that they are COMING. They are in the future.

To manifest, we need to be in the energy of the clients already being HERE right NOW.

So we need to affirm things like:

  • I have attracted X new clients.

  • I am working with X clients.

  • I love working with all of my new clients.

Make sense? I hope so, if not drop me a comment below and I’ll do a blog with a deep-dive into the difference between the energy of ‘clients are coming’ and ‘clients are HERE now’.

Okay, so we have established that we CAN use the power of our mind to manifest clients.

Here are my favourite manifestation techniques to manifest more clients into your clients right now! I’ve personally attracted clients with each of these techniques (and my clients have attracted their own clients too!)


Okay, I know, I know…you want more clients and NOW.

But if you just keep your head down and plough on and never stop to even acknowledge let alone CELEBRATE your success so far then it’s going to be very had to attract more.

Do you celebrate the number of followers you have on social media or are you just wishing you had more?

Did you celebrate the last person who reached out to find out more about what you do or did you criticise yourself for the fact they didn’t sign up?

One of the best ways you can prime your brain for success is to take time each day to celebrate even the smallest of achievements in your business.

One of my clients sent me a message to say she’d had a call with a potential client and would hear if it was a yes or a no the next morning. I told her to CELEBRATE right there and then for the fact she had attracted that person and had that call. Just think how that would raise her vibration and her confidence in herself and her ability.

What can you celebrate and congratulate yourself for right now?

TECHNIQUE 2: Gratitude

Gratitude can change your business like night and day. It works because you’ll instantly feel differently about your business and therefore you will raise your vibration.

Make it a practise to find at least 10 things every day that you’re grateful for (preferably about your business!)

If you’re really start this with a bang and to get yourself in the ideal vibrational state to attract clients and opportunities into your buisness… find 100 things that you are grateful for (in your business).

You might be thinking if you’ll never find 100 things to be grateful for but remember you can include even the smallest things.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • You passion for what you do.

  • Anyone who supports you.

  • Your followers.

  • Things you love on your website.

  • Getting to work from your laptop.

  • That person who commented on your post.

  • All the clients you have worked with so far (write out their names)

  • The people on your email list.

  • The ideas you have.

  • The training you’ve done.

TECHNIQUE 3: Write As If

Now THIS is my all-time favourite manifestation technique. It’s the reason you’re even here now. I literally WROTE my business into fruition.

Writing ‘as if’ is basically like having a diary entry of the day/week but instead of writing about your current reality, you write about the reality you WANT.

Here’s any example:

“Oh my God, I’ve just signed up the most incredible client! I’m so excited to work with her. I know I can absolutely help her. I love the fact that she was so easily to spoke to. I know I can make such a difference to her and transform her life. She’s really ready to do the work and make this change. It was so easy. She found me, we spoke and she just KNEW she wanted to sign up.”

Can you feel that excitement as you read it?

It doesn’t have to be very long. But you need just need to write until you start to FEEL the difference in yourself. You can then keep going but the aim is to AT LEAST write until you feel that shift.

THAT’S you changing your vibration and that’s the point where you can attract clients into your business.

I love doing it as a written diary entry because I’m very visual learner. You can also SPEAK AS IF and just talk out loud or even record it into your phone and listen back.

TECHNIQUE 4: Visualise

Visualising is very similar to the above technique but you’re not actually having to write anything out or speak it.

You literally close your eyes and see and FEEL what it would be like to have the clients and money you desire in your business.

Set a time for 5 mins and sit back and enjoy living the business of your dreams as though it’s ALREADY here.

  • What would you be doing if you had all the clients you wanted?

  • Where would you be working with them?

  • How would you spend your days?

  • What would your bank account look and feel like to have the money you want in there?

This is really powerful done to music. Lyric-free ideally so you can just concentrate on your thoughts and images. 5 minutes a day can honestly change your business! But you must get into the feeling point of the clients being HERE NOW.

TECHNIQUE 5: Affirmations

Create believable and powerful affirmations.

Affirmations (or mantras) are statements that you repeat so your Subconscious Mind starts to shift.

If I asked you to stand in front of the mirror every day and say: “I stuck, I can’t attract clients to save my life!” would you want to??

No, of course not. You know that would not only make you feel crap but it would affect the way you showed up in your business. You might feel like giving up completely.

So, you can see that statements are powerful things that can alter how we feel. Let’s use that to our advantage!

Write out some really powerful and positive statements of what you would love to be true in your business.

Then need to be in first person and in the present or past tense.

“I signed up X this month.”

“New clients find me every day.”

“Marketing comes so easily to me.”

“People love to sign up and pay me.”

“I love that I’ve signed up three new clients I’m so excited about the client signed up this morning.”

Make sure your affirmations are in line with the amount of clients and money you want to attract. Then read/listen to them every day.

Here are some examples of how to use them:

  • Say them out loud in front of the mirror

  • Write on post-its and put them up around your home/laptop.

  • Put them into your phone.

  • Set them as reminders so they pop up through the day.

  • Record them on your phone and listen to them before bed.

  • Add them to your Vision Board

TECHNIQUE 6: Journal through your doubts

As you visualise, ‘Write As If’ or say your affirmations DOUBTS WILL COME UP.

Your brain WILL tell you it’s a load of bullsh*t!

This is normal. This happens because your brain has been so used to a different reality.

You have 2 options.

1) Just keep repeating over and over and eventually your brain will take on these new beliefs.

2) Work through the doubts.

I recommend my clients do both of these to speed up results.

So, when you notice your brain saying: “Yeah right you had 4 new clients sign up this morning, you haven’t had a new client in weeks!” you need to work through this.

  • What is your brain telling you about your ability to attract clients?

  • What is your brain telling you about the work that you do?

  • What is your brain telling about the amount of money you’d love to have?

Write them down and then look at these thoughts.

Are they true? Who gave you those beliefs? Are they true for everyone? What could you do to have a different result?

Be your own coach on the paper. What can you tell yourself that does feel true (and positive). The whole purpose of this technique, like all of the above, is to raise your thoughts to more positive ones so you change your vibration and therefore what you attract!

Would you support help with any of this? If you would, I’d love to help! I’ve been geeking out over this manifestation stuff for YEARS! My absolute passion in life is helping other people get paid to do what they love and shift their mindset so they can attract more clients and money! Click the button below and send me a message letting me know what you’d like help with. Or click here to find out about my manifestation courses.

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Those are 3 words to concentrate on when it comes to building your business and creating content.

When you show up and share content that allows people to know who you are, like you (realising that you have similar interests and values) and trust you (confident that you know your stuff and can help!), it speeds up the connection and your Ideal Clients are excited to sign-up to work with you!

It’s February and the month of LOVE so I thought I’d share some content ideas for you to use this month that will help you to do just that.

It’s 5th February so I have 24 ideas that will take you to the end of the month. You’re welcome (wink!)

These are in no particular order.

  1. Tell us what you love about what you do.

  2. Tell us about your favourite service/offer/course/product and what people can expect from it.

  3. 13th February is Clean Out Your Computer Day so why not show your home office or work space. 

  4. Do a series of posts featuring your clients and their results/feedback.

  5. Tell us why you started your business. Share your ‘WHY’.

  6. Share your favourite inspirational quote and ask your followers to do the same.

  7. Tell us what you do for self-care. 

  8. Tell us something you love about yourself or are proud of and ask your followers to do the same.

  9. Share how you’re going to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

  10. 16th is Shrove Tuesday so tell us your favourite pancake recipe/ topping and ask your followers the same. 

  11. 17th February is Random Acts of Kindness day so share a time you did this or were a receiver. 

  12. Tell us what motivates you and ask your followers to do the same.

  13. Tell us about any friendships you’ve made through your business. 

  14. Tell us why you love working with your Ideal Client (a great way to make it very clear who you work with!)

  15. Share your favourite self-care or mindset book and how it’s helped you. 

  16. Share something you struggle/d with.

  17. Quote yourself! Share a statement you stand for and believe in that you authored yourself.

  18. Do a this or that post and share your answers too.

  19. Tell us 5 things we don’t know about you - a great way to share your hobbies and personality.

  20. Share a time-lapse of doing something you love or talk about a hobby you have/had.

  21. Tell us about your word of the year and what it means to you.

  22. 26th February is ‘Fairy Tale Day’ - share your favourite and ask your followers to do the same.

  23. Share 1-3 things that you offer that your followers might not know about.

  24. Share what you most love helping your clients do.

Which content idea will you use first? Let me know in the comment below.





Have you heard the concept of picking a word or theme for the year? The idea is that you choose one word that sums up your goals and dreams for the next 12 months.

Having one word means you have an overarching focus for the year ahead. It’s like setting an intention for what you want to be, do, have and create.

The word can be a value or a feeling.

Then when you make decisions, you can think about whether it aligns with what you really want

I’ve chosen VIBRANT for 2023.

My Word/Theme Of The Year for 2023

I felt run down over the Christmas period (as many of us did) so I wanted to have a word that felt the opposite of the meh feeling that seemed to hang over me for most of December.

I’ve always loved the energy of the New Year though and I was ON IT when it came to 1st Jan. We’ve been painting rooms, ordering furniture, decluttering, making big decisions in my business, planning, starting up hobbies again.

I don’t want this to be a ‘January thing’. I want to keep this energy all year long. So VIBRANT was the word that stuck.

To me ‘VIBRANT’ means:

  • Feeling energised.

  • Feeling ALIVE!

  • Waking up feeling excited

  • Feeling excited.

  • Moving in a way that makes me feel healthy.

  • Eating food that really nourish me.

  • Fresh air.

  • Nature.

  • People that energise me.

  • Activities that energise me.

  • Following my dreams.

  • And by the looks of my mini mood board…the beach!

It crosses into every area of my life. I’m excited to keep working on and feeling vibrant in my business, relationships, health, home and life.




  1. Achieve

  2. Action

  3. Adventure

  4. Align

  5. Appreciate

  6. Authentic

  7. Balance

  8. Begin

  9. Belong

  10. Bloom

  11. Bright

  12. Build

  13. Calm

  14. Clear

  15. Commit

  16. Compassion

  17. Completion

  18. Confidence

  19. Connection

  20. Consistency

  21. Courage

  22. Create

  23. Creative

  24. Daring

  25. Dedicated

  26. Delight

  27. Devote

  28. Discipline

  29. Dream

  30. Embody

  31. Empower

  32. Encourage

  33. Energy

  34. Enthusiasm

  35. Excite

  36. Expansion

  37. Experience

  38. Express

  39. Faith

  40. Fit

  41. Focus

  42. Forgiveness

  43. Free

  44. Friendship

  45. Fun

  46. Gentle

  47. Give

  48. Glow

  49. Go

  50. Gracious

  51. Gratitude

  52. Grounded

  53. Happy

  54. Heal

  55. Health

  56. Heart

  57. Honesty

  58. Hope

  59. Humility

  60. Imagine

  61. Inspire

  62. Integrity

  63. Intent

  64. Intentional

  65. Intimate

  66. Journey

  67. Joy

  68. Jump

  69. Kind

  70. Knowledge

  71. Laughter

  72. Lead

  73. Learn

  74. Less

  75. Listen

  76. Live

  77. Love

  78. Magical

  79. Magnify

  80. Manifest

  81. Mindful

  82. Moment

  83. Move

  84. Natural

  85. New

  86. Nourish

  87. Now

  88. Nurture

  89. Observe

  90. Open

  91. Organic

  92. Organise

  93. Passion

  94. Patience

  95. Peace

  96. Permission

  97. Perspective

  98. Playful

  99. Positive

  100. Possible

  101. Power

  102. Presence

  103. Preserve

  104. Progress

  105. Prosperous

  106. Proud

  107. Purpose

  108. Queen

  109. Question

  110. Quiet

  111. Radian

  112. Receive

  113. Reflect

  114. Release

  115. Renew

  116. Resolve

  117. Respect

  118. Rest

  119. Retreat

  120. Revive

  121. Rise

  122. Risk

  123. Romance

  124. Self

  125. Self-care

  126. Self-love

  127. Share

  128. Shine

  129. Simplify

  130. Slow

  131. Soul

  132. Sparkle

  133. Spirit

  134. Still

  135. Strength

  136. Success

  137. Support

  138. Surrender

  139. Teach

  140. Thoughtfulness

  141. Thrive

  142. Tranquil

  143. Transform

  144. Travel

  145. Trust

  146. Truth

  147. Understand

  148. Unique

  149. Unlimited

  150. Unstoppable

  151. Value

  152. Vibrant

  153. Vision

  154. Vitality

  155. Vulnerable

  156. Wake

  157. Wander

  158. Wellness

  159. Whole

  160. Wholehearted

  161. Worthy

  162. YES!

  163. Yourself

  164. Youth

  165. Zealous

  166. Zen

  167. Zest

Have you decided on your word/theme of the year YET?

I’d love to know what it is. Let me know in the comments below.





Don’t be afraid to be the expert! If your client needs 4 sessions with you to see the best results, tell her.

If she needs 6 months, tell her that!

Stop saying yes to one-off sessions, if they don’t serve you or your clients.

Package your services in the way you know your clients will get the best results possible.

We wouldn’t expect a Personal Trainer to say we only need one session to transform our body.

As a beginning Personal Stylist, I used to say yes to *just* a colour consultation or *just* a wardrobe consultation because I wanted the client (and the money, let’s be honest). So, if I didn’t think she'd say yes to all of my services then I’d just allow her to choose.

I wasn’t being the expert. I was allowing her to take the reins.

As a beginning coach, I used to do the same and allowed people to book a session or two. It was only when I learned the power of creating packages rather than just services that my clients got better results; my business was more successful and I made more money.

You take your clients on a journey. It’s a process. You know that. I know that.

It’s your job to ensure that when you’re speaking to a potential client she knows that too.

Create packages. What does that mean? A package means a number of sessions and even additional support and resources. I now tailor each packages to the needs of each individual client but here’s an example:

📱8 x 1:1 coaching sessions.
🖥 Training Videos to fast-track the business structures (e.g. Defining Your Ideal Client, What to Put On Your Website, Writing Copy, Creating A Lead Magnet etc).
📚 Book recommendations.
✍️ Templates for sale pages.
👀 Copy reviews.
🧠 Access to all of my money and sales confidence mindset courses.
👋🏼 Access to me in between sessions for the duration of our time together.

So, think about creating a package/s that will best suit you, your clients and your business.

Be the expert! Because that’s exactly what you are.

Need help with creating your packages and services and knowing what will best serve you and your clients? Send me a message by clicking on the box below. I have a training on exactly this - creating your ideal packages and services.


4 Ways Your Self-Worth Impacts your Net Worth


4 Ways Your Self-Worth Impacts your Net Worth

Okay, so I’m absolutely not saying that your self-worth should be or is tied to your net worth (although for some it feels like that).

No. I’m saying it’s the other way round.

That the confidence you have in yourself DIRECTLY impacts the money you make in your business. Ouch!

Think about it…


If you don’t feel worthy at your core then you don’t believe your services are worth paying for so you undercharge (lost income).


If you feel unworthy or not good enough then you’ll turn down the offers of podcasts and interviews so you stay stuck with the same audience and don’t grow. We need new eyes on our business to keep expanding and making money.


If you don’t feel worthy or confident then you’ll never put yourself forward for opportunities you see out there that you’d be perfect for (for example speaking events, running workshops, or even TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT YOU DO). So someone else in your industry steps in and you’ve lost out on that potential business and money .


If you doubt yourself then even when you get those incredible business ideas in the shower 🚿, you’ll just keep procrastinating on them and no one will know they exist. So you won’t get paid for this new potential income stream.


Yup! Been there and done that and got all 4 T-shirts. 🤦‍♀️ 😢

What’s the answer?

Work on how you see yourself.

Don’t sign up for the next training course to increase your skills (this was my pattern for years).

Work on what’s going on between your temples.

Do the mindset work to see what you bring to the table and how your unique gifts and talents serve people in a way nobody else can.

Increase your self-worth and confidence. It’s honestly one of the best things you can do for your business success.

Want help doing this? This is my forte. I love nothing more than helping women just like you to let go of the bullshit stories they tell themselves and see the true magnificent being they are.

Every client I’ve ever worked with has told me she sees herself in a much more positive way and has the confidence to take BOLD action steps.

Read some of the things past clients have said:

“Emma changed the way I think about myself and about others, in the first session! I actually felt a weight lifted from my chest while we were talking!” Natasha.

“I feel more confident - I have already approached potential clients, shops and organisations to promote my business.” Nicola.

“I’ve lost my fear of failing and my fear of what people are thinking. My general mindset has changed and it has been invaluable to me.” Beth.

“The biggest change I’ve witnessed in myself is how much confidence I have gained in all aspects of my life: with my therapy work, family & friends.” Sue.

“I’ve been SO much braver at getting out there and talking about myself and what I do. My confidence has skyrocketed. At the start, I was scared of putting myself out there on social media – and whilst I’m still working on improving my content, I haven’t given it a second thought about my photo being out there or being judged. I’ve done 2 events and planned another that I’d never have had the balls to do without Emma’s pep talks!”  Rebecca.

Get in touch, if you’re ready to work on your mindset to change the way you see yourself and ultimately how you show up and do business and make money!


Why Your Vision Board Might Not Be Working And What To Do About It


Why Your Vision Board Might Not Be Working And What To Do About It


Vision Board Tips

Happy New Year! Are you ready to make 2022 your favourite/most productive/fun/successful/acommplished year yet? I’m guessing you are if you’ve found your way here.

This is often the time of year people create their Vision Boards. I’ve been using Vision Boards to bring incredible things into my life for many years now!

I made my very first vision board in 2007 and have to say it worked its magic from that very first one.

Not everyone has had much success from Vision Boards though. Having taught many people how to make a board that actually WORKS, I wanted to share 5 reasons yours might not be working for you and what to do about it.

1) Attachment

It’s so important to not have too much attachment to the outcome and I think that’s why I had great results from the start. What I mean by that is don’t just put your gas bill on there because you desperately need to pay it. You’ll just focus on the deadline and put so much pressure on yourself. It takes away the magic too.

This really should feel like fun.

The first one I made felt like fun and I added images of things I loved - Tiffany jewellery, Sydney Harbour Bridge with fireworks behind it, items of clothing, business class seats, a course I wanted to attend. And then things started happening. Some literally within weeks.

  1. The clothing I’d put on there I found reduced in the sale.

  2. My boyfriend at the time (who had NOT seen the vision board because quite frankly I was embarrassed it to show him) bought me a Tiffany bracelet.

  3. One day he told me he loved seeing how passionate I was about my business and offered to pay for the course I wanted to do. He also said he had loads of Air Miles and did I fancy going to Sydney? Er…yes!! Guess what day we landed!? New Year’s Eve just in time for the ONE day of the year that has fireworks over the bridge.

  4. Oh and we got upgraded to Business Class on the way out.

Wow! Can you tell why I got hooked straight away?

I know it sounds weird but the things that I put on there that just felt intriguing were often the things that came into my life most quickly. Like images of a living room I loved the lighting in and ended up getting the exact sofas in the photo for FREE (from a family member - not a dumpster ;-0). A random name I put on there, later became the name of a new friend.

2) Doubts

When we focus too much on what we want and the fact it hasn’t arrived yet then that’s when the doubt can set in. It’s important to work on releasing any of the doubts around the possibility of any of the images on your board. I do this through rephrasing my doubts, writing strong affirmations, journaling on how I feel about the things on there and clearing any of the stubborn doubts with EFT/tapping.

Again, I’ll repeat this - the stuff that I feel desperate to happen is the stuff that doesn’t appear or takes a lot longer. So I’ve had to teach myself to trust and release that feeling. You have to BELIEVE it is not only possible but HERE already.

3) Clarity

If you’ve made a Vision Board and it’s been a few months and you still haven’t seen any results then go back to the start.

I ALWAYS start with getting really clear on EXACTLY what I want and most importantly WHY.

Anyone can make a Vision Board but you have to get clarity on what you want in your life and the reason for it.

4) Make it LOOK real!

The whole point of a Vision Board is to imprint upon your Subconscious Mind exactly what you want to be, do and have in your life.

If the images don’t feel REAL to you then it may just feel like you’re looking at random scraps of paper stuck to a board - I know that’s what they are! - but that’s not enough for your Subconscious Mind.

So take a step back and see how you can make them feel more real. Don’t rely on images from magazines (or even Pinterest and Google). Think about how you can bring yourself onto the board. I love editing my images before I print them out or use them on a digital Vision Board.


This is not a cut and paste job and then you’re done. Well not for most people anyway. Sometimes you’ve had so much fun creating your board and zero attachment that things start to magically appear in your life - like my first board.

But if things aren’t showing up then your need to add some mindset work into the mix.

I love using visualisation to help me see and FEEL the images on the board in my life.

I’d an image of an Audi TT on my board for years, it wasn’t until I started visualising it that I got one. Within 2 weeks of starting the visualisation… it was in my parking spot! No joke.


Here’s what people have had to say about the course:

“I put the job I wanted to get on the board and within a few days I got it. The course wasn't even over and I'd already manifested something.”

“Best course of a similar nature I've signed up to.”

“I got much more than I expected from this course. All of the mindset and EFT work was amazing.”

“This course gave me 'me' time and time to re-connect with things I love.”

“A great course to really dig deep and discover what makes your heart sing. Emma is 100% present, supportive and encouraging.”

“I would pay so much more for this course. There is a lot of content and advice given through the week.”

“All the the different activities were really good - really got you thinking and my mindset started to shift. I loved the structure.”

“There is so much value in this course. It isn't just about building a vision board, it is understanding yourself, your own mindset and really getting to grips with who you are.”

“I got way more than I expected. There is so much more to the course than just getting pictures and sticking them to card. The information and tasks set help in more than vision boarding.”

“I loved the way Emma laid everything out for us in the group and encouraged everyone to really 'feel it' not just superficially choose pictures and put them in a collage. I’ve never done anything like this, and never really asked 'what do I want?' which seems absolutely crazy given my age.”

“The videos were a really important part of it - without seeing Emma's energy, hearing her encouragement, listening to her words... it would have been difficult to put it all into action.”

“The Facebook group helped you to feel that you weren't on your own doing this, and to feel encouraged by the journeys other people, similar and different, were on.” 

“The depth {of content} was perfect for me. Deeper than I’d entertained before but not so much as to overwhelm.”

“A key part was the great motivation to create as we went, rather than risking taking in the theory but not doing the action. The first 2 days of prep work was very valuable.”

“I got much, much more than I had expected from this course. Guidance. Coaching. Laughter. Sharing. Fun. Knowledge. Work with Emma. She’s a gem in a world of coaches.”







I've designed and created a workbook to help you release 2021 in a powerful and feminine way and design 2022 to be your best year yet! Grab your favourite green juice/smoothie/tea and dive straight in:


Please note: If you choose to fill this in electronically (I've made it editable so you can), make sure you download it and SAVE it before you fill it in - I'd hate for you to lose your answers.




Visibility - 8 Ways to Get SEEN!


Visibility - 8 Ways to Get SEEN!


As you can see from the photo, I'm currently sitting having a refuel of green juice and edamame beans at Wagamama's.

I shopped 'til I dropped and now I've just sat down to write to you. 

I've had a great week welcoming all the members into my new Mastermind group.

We've only just started week 1 and the women in the group are already making progress; with some feeling more confident than ever in what they do and another hosted an incredible style event after I helped her map out a clear structure to share her knowledge but still leave people wanting to hire her - it was a huge success!

And this got me thinking about visibility. 

The mastermind is for a very select niche: Personal Stylists and it's a real investment.  

The women who signed up did so because they felt confident that I can help them to get more visible in their business by showing up consistently, in the right places, with a strong message. THAT'S how you get known and booked.

I don't just work with Personal Stylist though so how did they know about me? Because I show up consistently and on purpose. I am VISIBLE.

So I wanted to share my VISIBILITY CHEAT SHEET with you today. 

Visibility = being in front of as many ideal clients as possible

Here are 8 steps to being SEEN by the right people:

1) Know what your ICA wants

First you obviously need to know WHO your ICA (ideal client avatar) is and then you need to ASK her what she wants and needs. Survey your audience. Figure out what they're struggling with and create a solution that solves their biggest problem.

2) Be an expert

Focus on ONE thing. Decide what you want to be known for and then get out there and OWN it. Find out everything you can, and need to, about your specialism, ideal client. This will help you stand out and be visible in your industry. 

3) Help

One of the easiest ways to show up is by helping others. You started this business to make a difference so I know that won't be hard for you. Be helpful and give lots of value because this will not only make asking for the sale easier but it's one of the best ways to build the 'know, like and trust factor'. 

4) Connect

Get to know other people in your industry. I always say there's no such thing as competition. Your peers can be a much needed 'lifeline' on this entrepreneurial journey, as well as a source of referrals and access to larger audiences. They won't necessarily be targeting your ideal clients so help one another out.

5) Mindset

Uncover any blocks you have around showing up and being visible; including how you feel about asking for the sale. When we have doubts this massively affects how active we are both online and locally, in our business. 

6) Confidence

Following on from the last point, if you have fears and doubts about your ability to help your ideal client then you need to keep taking action to increase your confidence and, of course, your skill. Practise, get some pro-bono clients, educate yourself and get training or mentorship in any area you're weaker in.  

7) Put your eggs in different baskets

There are so many other ways to get your message out in the world besides social media. Think about where your talents and strengths lay and use them to get yourself out there. For example: guest blogging, speaking on stage, writing a book, podcasting, etc.

8) Be Consistent & Persistent

This one is obvious but can be the hardest. Put simply - if you want to build a business you love, you have to keep showing up regularly. Use the steps above to help you (wink).

So there you have it, 8 ways to get more visible!

Which one do you feel you need to focus on the most? Let me know in the comments below, I love hearing from you. 

Emma xx
P.S. If you're a Personal Stylist and want to take your business to whole new heights, there's still time to join us in the Mastermind. Click here to learn more.





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Let’s talking branding!

A lot of people are concerned about how to stand out in the marketplace. They may fear that there are too many stylists, health coaches, relationship coaches, MUAs, massage therapists etc. Branding is what helps you stand out. Every new or existing entrepreneurs can differentiate themselves from others who operate in the same nice through branding.

People are often surprised to see that my 'brand colours' are not just on my website and social media but also in my home, wardrobe and accessories.

I didn't choose colours, fonts, photos because I thought they would work as a business.

My brand is an extension of me.

One of the mistakes I see many entrepreneurs make is trying too hard to DEVELOP a brand. A brand needs to fit YOU not the other way around.

If you are a service-based business then your clients are buying YOU. Not your brand or a product. You are your brand. People buy from people. Let them see what they'll be getting.

This is the fastest way to attract your ideal clients too because people love to do business with those with similar values and tastes. The Know, Like and Trust Factor is about building a rapport and a strong visual representation of what they get when they work with you will ensure you build a connection quickly.

Don't listen to others. This is a time to follow your gut.

Over the years, I've been told all sorts of nonsense:

"Your website is too pink."

(By a man that was advising me on my marketing.)

"You need to choose a brighter pink to attract entrepreneurs."

(By a female coach who used hot pink.)

"You need to only put photos of yourself on your About Page."

(By a branding 'expert'.)

But I followed my gut and my brand is ME. Maybe that's thanks to years of being a Personal Stylist and knowing the importance of letting your image reflect your personality.

And do you know what?

One of the first things many of my clients say is that they were attracted to me because of my 'brand'.

Do you. Always.

Want help making your brand an extension of you?

Then you'll love my 'Branding Like a Pro' Business Bundle. It's sooo much more than just colours and fonts.

It will also cost you less than the price of a meal out with your partner but will be one of the most effective ways to attract your dream clients.

What are your brand colours, I'd love to know? And are these the colours that you wear, own, decorate your home in and just feel right? Please comment below.





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Are you on Instagram?

I have to say it’s my favourite social media platform (Facebook is a close second).

But the issue is you can’t just add links in the same way as other platforms.

Instagram only has one clickable link and that’s in your bio.

So, how do you make the most Instagram so people can see what you have to offer and also sign-up to multiple things at once?

This is where Linktr.ee comes in.

It’s free and I love it.

Yes, you can of course create a page on your website to direct people to with different links but I’ve found I get a better response (and sign-up rate) when I use Linktr.ee.

Below is a video I made for my Mastermind

I share how and why to use Linktr.ee to get people converting from Instagram to where you actually want them...your lead magnet and website.


Emma xx

P.S. I created this for the Mastermind I ran specifically for Personal Stylists (I don't just work with stylists, I work with any service-based entrepreneur) so that's why I used 2 examples for stylists.

Click the button below to watch:

Know someone who’d love this blog/video, why not share it with them.


How to Price Your Business Services


How to Price Your Business Services

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One of the questions clients always ask is,

"How much should I charge?"


"How do I raise my prices?"

If you run a service-based business then it can feel daunting to know where to start when pricing your services.

It’s all too easy to just look around at the ‘competition’ and position yourself somewhere in between the lowest and highest price range.

But this isn’t an effective way to run a business. We have no idea what overheads other people have. What one person is happy to receive in exchange for their time and effort does NOT need to be what you charge. Plus people have all sorts of limiting views around money (and themselves) that causes them to feel very uncomfortable charging and even talking about their prices.

it’s always best to ignore what everyone else is doing and price your business in a way that reflects you and the service you provide.

I’ve created a PRICING GUIDE audio sharing how I recommend my clients decide on the best price for them.

This audio is for you if you:

  • Are just starting out and feel unsure what to charge;

  • Want to feel more confident when talking about your prices;

  • Feel ready to increase your prices but aren’t sure what to make them;

  • Realise that your own thoughts on money may be affecting your business;

  • Are ready to make more money without having to work harder.

Click the button below to listen to the ‘Pricing Guide Audio’

Know someone who’d love to listen to this pricing guide audio, why not share it with them.



1 Comment


I get so excited when I see my clients featured in their local newspapers or on the local radio. 


It’s such incredible FREE marketing for your business. 

You don’t need me to tell you that though.

We can often feel intimidated by journalists but remember they often have a tough job trying to fill their papers and ‘air time’.

They are crying out for decent news!!


So, what is ‘news’?

It’s something that is well…NEW!

It’s something that’s different and that people are interested to read/hear about. 

It could be a new launch, announcement, success story, tips on a hot topic or even controversial comment.

You have a stand-out story, I’m sure of it.


  • You did a survey and it revealed that _____.

  • You’ve got something to say that you know will ruffle a few feathers.

  • You’ve just helped someone achieve an amazing feat.

  • Your book has just come out.

  • You’re the only person in your industry to specialise in ______.

  • You’re running a workshop that they’d be interested in. Just like my client, Jill Stander, having her ‘New Year, New You’ workshop featured (see photo below).




  1. Decide who you want to reach - who is your Ideal Client.

  2. Find out which radio stations/newspapers they’re likely to listen to/read. Not sure? Ask them!

  3. Gather contact details for relevant journalists and editors. Try Twitter and LinkedIn. Don’t go for generic email addresses like news@ because they’ll likely not get checked. You want specific names!

  4. Do your research. What kind of stories do they cover? 

  5. Write an email pitch or press release. 

Local newspapers are often short-staffed, so a well-written press release, with all the relevant information may be printed with very few changes. There are plenty of examples of press releases on the web. Outsource if you’re not confident in your writing skills.  Use an email subject line that includes the phrase 'story idea' and a compelling one-liner that describes your story. It's absolutely fine to pitch ideas over the phone too. Just avoid obviously busy times.

6. Be prepared to follow up!



Have you been wanting to get yourself and your business OUT THERE but either aren’t sure you have anything decent to contribute or the thought terrifies you?!

Get in touch with me, this is exactly what I am passionate about helping my clients to do.

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