60+ Blog Post Ideas for Image Consultants

Hello lovely, 

So you're an Image Consultant/Personal Stylist? Great! I used to be one myself actually. 

  • Do you know you need to be sharing your knowledge but feel terrified that you'll end up giving all your 'secret sauce' away and potential clients won't need to bother hiring you

Yep. Been there and done that!

  • Or perhaps you want to write a blog but get stuck whenever you try to write a new post?


Keep reading and I'll explain why you mustn't be afraid of sharing your knowledge and give you over 60 fabulous ideas for blog posts and newsletters that every Image Consultant can use.

To be a success you need potential clients to KNOW that you are the go-to-woman when it comes to all things clothes and style related. DO NOT worry about giving away information for free! That’s the biggest mistake I see many entrepreneurs making when it comes to communicating with their 'tribe'. 

I know it sounds rather counter-intuitive but you should be happily writing ‘How To’ articles. I know lots of Image Consultants who hold back through fear of 'giving away too much of their knowledge' (that was me back in 2008!). But it doesn't work like that. Let's be honest, if they can buy a book on it or Google it then you shouldn't be afraid of writing about it!! 

Therefore, YOU and your blog/newsletter need to be a source of information. 

You need to show you are an expert in your field. 

I can assure you that your Ideal Clients will want YOU to do this work FOR them! That's why people hire Image Consultants and Personal Stylists. They want someone to tell them what to wear. They want someone to choose items for them to buy. They want to be told which colours suits them. They want an expert; someone to build their confidence and bring them out of their comfort zone. And that someone is YOU!

Yes you may inspire some to have a go and do it for themselves but they wouldn’t have been hiring you anyway, right?!

To help you along the way I have created a list of over 60 Blog Posts Ideas for Image Consultants and Personal Stylists.

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Emma xx
