6 Powerful Client Attraction Affirmations

Let me tell you about someone who's on my email list. She runs a mobile salon and was having a slow week in her business.

She opened up an email I'd sent out which included a weekly affirmation*. 

I'll let her tell you what happened next…

"I received your email yesterday at the right time because I was not having a good day! I had nothing to lose so I decided to take action and said the affirmation you told me to, out loud for 5 minutes and went about my usual day.

Within a couple of hours, I had a telephone call after telephone calls with people wanting to book appointments at my mobile salon. I just couldn't believe it, it had actually worked. I felt so uplifted and happy that now this affirmation is part of my life. Thank you so much Emma." Sarah Brown.

An affirmation is a positive statement that you say in first person, present tense stating that you already have what you want…even though you don't!

I know how easy it is to get caught up in the busy-busy-busy-ness of running a business. So much so that we can often leave the mindset piece to the bottom of the pile.

But every hugely successful entrepreneur I've ever spoken to (and I'm talking 8-figure business owners) says the same thing: 


 So, take a pause from creating your next social media post and allow yourself to spend some time shifting your mindset into being a powerful client magnet. 

BELOW are 6 powerful client attraction affirmations for YOU to say out loud this week:

You can say them all.

Or just pick 1-2 of your favourites.

Set a timer on your phone and say them out loud for 5 minutes. 

BONUS: Do this 3 times, every day this week:

Don't underestimate the power of doing the mindset work even just for 5 minutes!!

Let me know your favourite and how you get on with it. I love hearing from my readers.


Emma x

P.S. Want help attracting your ideal clients, I’d love to help! Click here to contact me for 1:1 coaching or HERE to find out about my money mindset course.
