37 Ways To Get Paying Clients As A Personal Stylist

37 Ways To Get Paying Clients As A Personal Stylist

I started a business in 2008 as a Personal Stylist. At the time, I had NO idea how to run a business and get PAYING clients. I'd invested well over £6500 ($9200) on training to be a Stylist but I was still completely clueless when it came to running a business.

During the training course, we had someone come and talk to us about bookkeeping. BUT in order to have 'income' you need clients and once I’d worked with friends of friends, everything dried up. My expenses far outweighed my income and therefore my chances of recouping my outgoings, let alone making a profit, seemed slim-to-none. It was basically like an expensive hobby!

Maybe you can relate?

I won’t bore you with my whole story (it spanned across years) but I will tell you in a nutshell that I had to stumble my way through the dark to discover how to get PAYING CLIENTS.

it worked. 4 years after training, I was making more than my salaried job.

You don’t need to spend 4 years figuring it out!

I’ve been running a business for 15 years now.

In that time I’ve also helped many Personal Stylists to grow their own business.


“Having hired Emma 1:1 in the past, I knew I liked the way she worked so thought I'd get her new masterclass ‘37 Ways To Get Personal Styling Clients’. I'm already working with lots of clients around the globe but I still discovered new ways of getting clients that I hadn't thought of. Emma’s wealth of experience shines through in this training. Her methods are achievable and realistic and it helps that she has already walked this path. I’m excited and ready for my next project! Thanks Emma.”

CATHERINE JACKSON, Personal Stylist 

“Emma’s training modules are so so brilliant! Honestly the best marketing advice out there! And I have a marketing background! But Emma cuts to the chase and tells you the information you need to know to get going – so all the advice is completely relevant and will fast track you to creating content and marketing materials you’d pay an agency a lot of money to create! Or spend a lot of time and effort working it out yourself.

I had set myself a goal of January to get my first paying client, but it happened much sooner - in the October!”

Rebecca Ffrancon, Personal Stylist 

"From just 4 sessions with Emma, I had complete clarity on my ideal client, had rewritten most of my sales pages on my website, done my first live Facebook video, created a series of video challenges for my audience, revised my pricing and had 3 new client bookings.  Emma knows her stuff!"

LIZ SEATON, Personal Stylist 

“I’d already done different coaching programs and self-study courses but I learnt so much more than I thought was possible. I have implemented it all into my business!”

Victoria Hamilton, Personal Stylist 

I’ve CREATED a masterclass teaching you 37 different ways TO get Personal Styling clients.

You can use these methods to sign up clients for colour analysis, styling sessions, wardrobe consultations, personal shopping or any other service that you’re excited to offer!

You can take just ONE of these strategies and get a paying client. Then rinse and repeat. Or you could implement a few at once and work your way through the list when you feel you want to try a different method.

These are PROVEN strategies meaning I know they can each result in getting clients because either myself or my 1:1 clients (who are Personal Stylists) have signed up clients using what I share in this 75 minute masterclass.



You get lifetime access to a 75 minute recording. Most of my clients tend to be visual people/learners so this masterclass is me talking you through slides explaining each strategy.


Yes. It's designed specifically for Personal Stylists, Image Consultants, Colour Consultants and Personal Shoppers. So, if you offer any of those services then this training is for you.

If you're in a totally different industry then, whilst many of these strategies will absolutely help you get paying clients, not all of them will be relevant. I'm working on a masterclass for coaches. I've also worked with many different service-based business owners, so send me a message if you'd like to find out how I can support you.


Absolutely not. I talk through the very first things I did to get clients but also share strategies that you can do at any stage in your business to grow and scale.


Due to the nature of this masterclass being an instant download, I don't offer refunds. That being said, I want you to be happy with any purchase you make, so please send me an email and I'll see how I can help.


ONLY £47