Have you heard the concept of picking a word or theme for the year? The idea is that you choose one word that sums up your goals and dreams for the next 12 months.

Having one word means you have an overarching focus for the year ahead. It’s like setting an intention for what you want to be, do, have and create.

The word can be a value or a feeling.

Then when you make decisions, you can think about whether it aligns with what you really want

I’ve chosen VIBRANT for 2023.

My Word/Theme Of The Year for 2023

I felt run down over the Christmas period (as many of us did) so I wanted to have a word that felt the opposite of the meh feeling that seemed to hang over me for most of December.

I’ve always loved the energy of the New Year though and I was ON IT when it came to 1st Jan. We’ve been painting rooms, ordering furniture, decluttering, making big decisions in my business, planning, starting up hobbies again.

I don’t want this to be a ‘January thing’. I want to keep this energy all year long. So VIBRANT was the word that stuck.

To me ‘VIBRANT’ means:

  • Feeling energised.

  • Feeling ALIVE!

  • Waking up feeling excited

  • Feeling excited.

  • Moving in a way that makes me feel healthy.

  • Eating food that really nourish me.

  • Fresh air.

  • Nature.

  • People that energise me.

  • Activities that energise me.

  • Following my dreams.

  • And by the looks of my mini mood board…the beach!

It crosses into every area of my life. I’m excited to keep working on and feeling vibrant in my business, relationships, health, home and life.




  1. Achieve

  2. Action

  3. Adventure

  4. Align

  5. Appreciate

  6. Authentic

  7. Balance

  8. Begin

  9. Belong

  10. Bloom

  11. Bright

  12. Build

  13. Calm

  14. Clear

  15. Commit

  16. Compassion

  17. Completion

  18. Confidence

  19. Connection

  20. Consistency

  21. Courage

  22. Create

  23. Creative

  24. Daring

  25. Dedicated

  26. Delight

  27. Devote

  28. Discipline

  29. Dream

  30. Embody

  31. Empower

  32. Encourage

  33. Energy

  34. Enthusiasm

  35. Excite

  36. Expansion

  37. Experience

  38. Express

  39. Faith

  40. Fit

  41. Focus

  42. Forgiveness

  43. Free

  44. Friendship

  45. Fun

  46. Gentle

  47. Give

  48. Glow

  49. Go

  50. Gracious

  51. Gratitude

  52. Grounded

  53. Happy

  54. Heal

  55. Health

  56. Heart

  57. Honesty

  58. Hope

  59. Humility

  60. Imagine

  61. Inspire

  62. Integrity

  63. Intent

  64. Intentional

  65. Intimate

  66. Journey

  67. Joy

  68. Jump

  69. Kind

  70. Knowledge

  71. Laughter

  72. Lead

  73. Learn

  74. Less

  75. Listen

  76. Live

  77. Love

  78. Magical

  79. Magnify

  80. Manifest

  81. Mindful

  82. Moment

  83. Move

  84. Natural

  85. New

  86. Nourish

  87. Now

  88. Nurture

  89. Observe

  90. Open

  91. Organic

  92. Organise

  93. Passion

  94. Patience

  95. Peace

  96. Permission

  97. Perspective

  98. Playful

  99. Positive

  100. Possible

  101. Power

  102. Presence

  103. Preserve

  104. Progress

  105. Prosperous

  106. Proud

  107. Purpose

  108. Queen

  109. Question

  110. Quiet

  111. Radian

  112. Receive

  113. Reflect

  114. Release

  115. Renew

  116. Resolve

  117. Respect

  118. Rest

  119. Retreat

  120. Revive

  121. Rise

  122. Risk

  123. Romance

  124. Self

  125. Self-care

  126. Self-love

  127. Share

  128. Shine

  129. Simplify

  130. Slow

  131. Soul

  132. Sparkle

  133. Spirit

  134. Still

  135. Strength

  136. Success

  137. Support

  138. Surrender

  139. Teach

  140. Thoughtfulness

  141. Thrive

  142. Tranquil

  143. Transform

  144. Travel

  145. Trust

  146. Truth

  147. Understand

  148. Unique

  149. Unlimited

  150. Unstoppable

  151. Value

  152. Vibrant

  153. Vision

  154. Vitality

  155. Vulnerable

  156. Wake

  157. Wander

  158. Wellness

  159. Whole

  160. Wholehearted

  161. Worthy

  162. YES!

  163. Yourself

  164. Youth

  165. Zealous

  166. Zen

  167. Zest

Have you decided on your word/theme of the year YET?

I’d love to know what it is. Let me know in the comments below.

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