6 Ways To Manifest New Clients

What is manifestation?

The word ‘manifestation' means to create or turn something from an idea into a reality. Manifestation means using our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to bring something to our physical reality. Sound woo-woo or too good to be true? Then keep reading because it’s changed my life and my business (and bank account!).

Manifesting works for 2 reasons and they aren’t as ‘out there’ as you may have first thought. I have a brain that needs to have proof of things - gimme the science!

Manifestation works for TWO reasons.


Everything is energy.

We know that.

It’s sooo weird to think about isn’t it, but we have been told this. It’s scientific FACT.

Everything is made up of energy.

Neither the MacBook I’m typing on nor the device you’re reading this on are what we think of as ‘solid’. A solid state, yes, but they are made up of tiny molecules bouncing around.

What differentiates one thing from another is the vibrational frequency and the density of the atoms they are made up from.

The LAW OF ATTRACTION states that ‘like attracts like’. This means that a high-frequency vibration attracts a high-frequency vibration back to it. And a low-frequency vibration attracts a low-frequency vibrations back to it.

Okay…now this next part can be sooo hard to get our head around but hear me out…our thoughts, emotions and feelings are also made up of energy. Different emotions have different frequencies.

When you change your thought  >>  you change your feelings and emotions >> then you have changed your vibrational frequency.

Which means you will attract different things back to you!!

So if you alter your thoughts and therefore your emotions, you can alter your vibration and ultimately…YOUR REALITY!

(Mind-blowing isn’t it!?).

And this knowledge can not only change your life but your BUSINESS.


Neuroplasticity = the brain's ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function in response to experience.

The other reason that ‘manifesting’ techniques work is because of what’s going on in our brain.

As we imagine what we want to attract into our life (clients, money, new home, soul mate, baby etc) then we are showing our brain this image over and over and it starts to form new pathways. It doesn’t actually know the difference between real and imagined. This is why you get goosebumps or your heart races when you are watching a scary film.

As we show our brain our desired reality (a.k.a. see in our mind the life we actually want to live) then our brain starts to develop new pathways and this raises our feelings of self-worth and begins to override limiting beliefs that would normally automatically stop you from even THINKING about taking any action towards a specific goal.

When we do manifestation mindset work…we are priming our brain to see opportunity and align our behaviour towards our desired goals.

So, can you manifest clients?

Yes. Absolutely.

You just have to stay in that vibration, the vibration of CLIENTS already being here. Then that is what you attract.

You can’t manifest more clients by saying: “Clients are coming to me.”

Even that seemingly powerful affirmation isn’t enough.

Because then you are saying that they are COMING. They are in the future.

To manifest, we need to be in the energy of the clients already being HERE right NOW.

So we need to affirm things like:

  • I have attracted X new clients.

  • I am working with X clients.

  • I love working with all of my new clients.

Make sense? I hope so, if not drop me a comment below and I’ll do a blog with a deep-dive into the difference between the energy of ‘clients are coming’ and ‘clients are HERE now’.

Okay, so we have established that we CAN use the power of our mind to manifest clients.

Here are my favourite manifestation techniques to manifest more clients into your clients right now! I’ve personally attracted clients with each of these techniques (and my clients have attracted their own clients too!)


Okay, I know, I know…you want more clients and NOW.

But if you just keep your head down and plough on and never stop to even acknowledge let alone CELEBRATE your success so far then it’s going to be very had to attract more.

Do you celebrate the number of followers you have on social media or are you just wishing you had more?

Did you celebrate the last person who reached out to find out more about what you do or did you criticise yourself for the fact they didn’t sign up?

One of the best ways you can prime your brain for success is to take time each day to celebrate even the smallest of achievements in your business.

One of my clients sent me a message to say she’d had a call with a potential client and would hear if it was a yes or a no the next morning. I told her to CELEBRATE right there and then for the fact she had attracted that person and had that call. Just think how that would raise her vibration and her confidence in herself and her ability.

What can you celebrate and congratulate yourself for right now?

TECHNIQUE 2: Gratitude

Gratitude can change your business like night and day. It works because you’ll instantly feel differently about your business and therefore you will raise your vibration.

Make it a practise to find at least 10 things every day that you’re grateful for (preferably about your business!)

If you’re really start this with a bang and to get yourself in the ideal vibrational state to attract clients and opportunities into your buisness… find 100 things that you are grateful for (in your business).

You might be thinking if you’ll never find 100 things to be grateful for but remember you can include even the smallest things.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • You passion for what you do.

  • Anyone who supports you.

  • Your followers.

  • Things you love on your website.

  • Getting to work from your laptop.

  • That person who commented on your post.

  • All the clients you have worked with so far (write out their names)

  • The people on your email list.

  • The ideas you have.

  • The training you’ve done.

TECHNIQUE 3: Write As If

Now THIS is my all-time favourite manifestation technique. It’s the reason you’re even here now. I literally WROTE my business into fruition.

Writing ‘as if’ is basically like having a diary entry of the day/week but instead of writing about your current reality, you write about the reality you WANT.

Here’s any example:

“Oh my God, I’ve just signed up the most incredible client! I’m so excited to work with her. I know I can absolutely help her. I love the fact that she was so easily to spoke to. I know I can make such a difference to her and transform her life. She’s really ready to do the work and make this change. It was so easy. She found me, we spoke and she just KNEW she wanted to sign up.”

Can you feel that excitement as you read it?

It doesn’t have to be very long. But you need just need to write until you start to FEEL the difference in yourself. You can then keep going but the aim is to AT LEAST write until you feel that shift.

THAT’S you changing your vibration and that’s the point where you can attract clients into your business.

I love doing it as a written diary entry because I’m very visual learner. You can also SPEAK AS IF and just talk out loud or even record it into your phone and listen back.

TECHNIQUE 4: Visualise

Visualising is very similar to the above technique but you’re not actually having to write anything out or speak it.

You literally close your eyes and see and FEEL what it would be like to have the clients and money you desire in your business.

Set a time for 5 mins and sit back and enjoy living the business of your dreams as though it’s ALREADY here.

  • What would you be doing if you had all the clients you wanted?

  • Where would you be working with them?

  • How would you spend your days?

  • What would your bank account look and feel like to have the money you want in there?

This is really powerful done to music. Lyric-free ideally so you can just concentrate on your thoughts and images. 5 minutes a day can honestly change your business! But you must get into the feeling point of the clients being HERE NOW.

TECHNIQUE 5: Affirmations

Create believable and powerful affirmations.

Affirmations (or mantras) are statements that you repeat so your Subconscious Mind starts to shift.

If I asked you to stand in front of the mirror every day and say: “I stuck, I can’t attract clients to save my life!” would you want to??

No, of course not. You know that would not only make you feel crap but it would affect the way you showed up in your business. You might feel like giving up completely.

So, you can see that statements are powerful things that can alter how we feel. Let’s use that to our advantage!

Write out some really powerful and positive statements of what you would love to be true in your business.

Then need to be in first person and in the present or past tense.

“I signed up X this month.”

“New clients find me every day.”

“Marketing comes so easily to me.”

“People love to sign up and pay me.”

“I love that I’ve signed up three new clients I’m so excited about the client signed up this morning.”

Make sure your affirmations are in line with the amount of clients and money you want to attract. Then read/listen to them every day.

Here are some examples of how to use them:

  • Say them out loud in front of the mirror

  • Write on post-its and put them up around your home/laptop.

  • Put them into your phone.

  • Set them as reminders so they pop up through the day.

  • Record them on your phone and listen to them before bed.

  • Add them to your Vision Board

TECHNIQUE 6: Journal through your doubts

As you visualise, ‘Write As If’ or say your affirmations DOUBTS WILL COME UP.

Your brain WILL tell you it’s a load of bullsh*t!

This is normal. This happens because your brain has been so used to a different reality.

You have 2 options.

1) Just keep repeating over and over and eventually your brain will take on these new beliefs.

2) Work through the doubts.

I recommend my clients do both of these to speed up results.

So, when you notice your brain saying: “Yeah right you had 4 new clients sign up this morning, you haven’t had a new client in weeks!” you need to work through this.

  • What is your brain telling you about your ability to attract clients?

  • What is your brain telling you about the work that you do?

  • What is your brain telling about the amount of money you’d love to have?

Write them down and then look at these thoughts.

Are they true? Who gave you those beliefs? Are they true for everyone? What could you do to have a different result?

Be your own coach on the paper. What can you tell yourself that does feel true (and positive). The whole purpose of this technique, like all of the above, is to raise your thoughts to more positive ones so you change your vibration and therefore what you attract!

Would you support help with any of this? If you would, I’d love to help! I’ve been geeking out over this manifestation stuff for YEARS! My absolute passion in life is helping other people get paid to do what they love and shift their mindset so they can attract more clients and money! Click the button below and send me a message letting me know what you’d like help with. Or click here to find out about my manifestation courses.

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