8 Tips for Your Brand Photoshoot 

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So in this blog post, I talked about the importance of developing a strong brand and I gave you 11 questions to help you get clarity around the image you want to portray.

I also promised to share my top tips for having a successful photoshoot and here they are:

1) Environment

Think about the environment and surroundings you’d like to be photographed in to represent your brand (e.g. hotel, shop or at home), and make sure you discuss it with your photographer. What will instantly grab your ideal clients attention? Make sure this also reflects what you do, in some way?

2) Vision

Have a clear vision to share with your photographer to make sure you are both on the same page. Create a Pinterest Board with the images that inspire you in terms of style, colours, surroundings, overall feel and vibe. Make sure when you're speaking to potential photographers that they are excited by your vision and can give you ideas to bring it to life. 

3) Smile right into the camera

You need lots of shots of you looking right into your clients’ hearts smiling, inviting them to work with you. Make sure you’ve got at least 3-4 shots looking into the camera to help you connect with your audience.

4) Map them out. 

Make a list of all the pages on your website and how many photos you want and whether they would be better landscape or portrait.

At the very least, you’ll need images for banners on your: sales pages, home page, about page and contact page. 

You’ll also need images to use for your blog, newsletters and social media posts. 

5) Multi-purpose

Make sure you’ve got lots of landscape images! Get some landscape shots with light backgrounds, and free space on the left or right of you, for tag-lines and titles etc so that nothing interferes with the text.

6) Get everyone involved

If you have a web designer, try to speak to them to discuss what kind of photos you’ll need for your specific website. Make sure you then share this information with your photographer. With SquareSpace, for instance, you'll need a lot of horizontal images for the banners on each page.

7) Think marketing 

Use the colours that will also look great from a marketing perspective, i.e. use the colours that will match well against Facebook colours of white and blue to use the images for your Facebook Ads.

8) Great quality

Let your photographer know where specifically you’ll be using your photos (FB Covers, FB Ads, Website, etc.) so that they can figure out the best px/resolution. This should be a given (them giving you the best quality) but it's not always! 

So there you have it. These tips should help you to not only bring your brand to life but love (and want to use!) the images when you get them back.

I hope these helped! Let me know in the comments below. 

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget my money mindset course is 1/4 off until midnight on Sunday. This is the course that's changing people's lives and businesses. Are you ready to attract more clients and money? Maybe you'd spend that money on your dream wardrobe and new photoshoot?  Click here to find out more. 
