9 Ways to Grow Your Styling Business FAST

Are you ready to turn your styling business from hobby-status to a full-time success?

I thought so.

Last week, I had 2 enquires for personal styling services in the space of 24hrs! It still surprises and delights me when that happens because I haven't offered those services for FIVE YEARS! I pulled down my website 4 years ago when I decided to focus entirely on being a coach. 

Since then, I've worked with many other Personal Stylists to help them build a strong foundation and set up the business structures so they get client bookings coming though consistently. It's so exciting when clients FIND YOU!

But it took me time to be featured in newspapers, get on BBC radio and collaborate with high-end high street stores, as a stylist. 

You can get there soooo much quicker with a helping hand. 

I want to help you collapse the timeline.

Here are 9 ways to get more clients as a personal stylist.

1) Decide

The first step is to decide that you're making a success of this business so you can quit your job, buy your dream wardrobe, take your family on luxury holidays and follow your dreams of helping clients around the world.

I mean really decide.

Decide you're no longer available to NOT have this business be a success.

Decide you want to be one of the success stories you read about. We do this in ORIENTATION week of Style Meets Structure.

2) Speak to ONE person

Get clear on who you are marketing to. Get clear on who you're truly excited to work with each and every day.

Know her inside out; better than she knows herself.

Then create your entire business around her. Write as if you are speaking to just one person.

No more trying to attract men*, teens, women over 50 AND women under 30. Get crystal clear on pinpointing who your customer is. This is week ONE in Style Meets Structure.

*Your ideal client can of course be a man. 

3) Talk about yourself

In business, you have to talk about yourself...a LOT. I know, I know. I used to hate this too! I wanted to just help my clients and if I could fade into the background then I was very happy doing so.

I used to want the ground to swallow me up when it came to having to introduce myself at networking meetings.

But that kept me client-less and broke!

Talk about your accomplishments. And please don't think you don't have any. You need to show your potential client who you are so she knows YOU are the right personal stylist for her. Get confident in who you are and why you're amazing at what you do. This is week TWO in Style Meets Structure.

4) Tap into other people's networks

Build your network and collaborate. There are MANY other people who are already working with your ideal client but not styling them.

Find those people and offer value to them and they will HAPPILY put you in front of their audience (full of potential clients).

This is the #1 way I built my personal styling business all those years ago.

This is what I'm teaching in week SIX of Style Meets Structure. We will talk about who you can contact and what you can offer to get you exposure and paying clients. 

5) Keep adding value

Be known as the go-to expert. Provide content that shows your strong brand and message. This is the #1 way I NOW get clients online. 

This is such an important and powerful marketing method that we will cover it in great detail across most modules of the course.

6) Get referrals

When you work with your ideal client you can pretty much guarantee that she knows other people like her. After all, birds of a feature flock together. 

We will talk about how you can get referrals without feeling icky about asking your few current clients to tell all their friends about you in week EIGHT of Style Meets Structure.

7) Keep making noise

Keep telling people about you, what you do and your offers!

It's too easy to create an offer or program and put it out there and when no-one books we feel like crap because we think it didn't work. That isn't how business works.  I know because I tried that method for years! ;-) 

That's not how people buy! I'll show you how you can get seen and known with a clear message and show up consistently without feeling like a nuisance! 

In week TWO you'll get clear on a program you're excited to offer and then we will build on getting it out there in front of the right people for the rest of the course. 

8) Advertise

People think you have to spend huge amount on advertising to grow a successful business, this is simply not true.

I do NOT spend a lot of money on advertising, even now.

We will talk about WHAT you can advertise and WHERE (plus my tips on how much). I'll also share how I was able to advertise myself for FREE in many places that others used to have to pay for. This will be week SIX and TWELVE of Style Meets Structure.

9) Coaching, mentoring, mastermind

I'm not kidding when I say I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't invested in help.

  • I wouldn't have the international business and amazing clients.

  • I wouldn't have my gorgeous apartment.

  • I wouldn't have the travel.

  • I wouldn't have had my first £15,000 month (I used to make that in a YEAR!!!).

I have created a 12 week group program and mastermind that is focussed entirely on helping 10 Personal Stylists to take your business to the next LEVEL and get prepped for a busy autumn/winter of clients. 

Every week you'll get in-depth business training, group coaching, a private Facebook group. You'll also get a 1:1 business coaching call with me.

I couldn't be more excited about this. 




Got a question? Click here and send me a message, 

Emma xx