THIS is why you shouldn't give up on your dream even when time's running out

I no longer believe in coincidences.

Too many incredible things have happened. This week was no exception.

I'm a huge advocate of Vision Boards and getting really clear on what you want to have/attract in your life.
I'm also a recovering Pinterest addict. (I have 96 boards so that tells you about my previous obsession!!). Joke as I may, Pinterest vision boards have produced some incredible results for me. 
Here's just one example...

I added Santorini (a gorgeous Greek Island) to my travel bucket list board called: 'Oh The Places You'll Go'.

About 3 weeks ago, my boyfriend and I decided we wanted some sun this summer. We figured we'd find a great last minute holiday.

I had very high expectations: picturesque beaches, turquoise waters, 28 degrees plus, gorgeous self-catering apartment; stunning views and I wanted to go to Greece. Ha! I'm not a diva, I promise. I do know the importance of aiming high though. As they say: reach for the stars and land on the moon.

We ruled Santorini out this time. We had a quick look but everything was at least double our budget. So we agreed that we would take that off our list for 2016.

Our search began. Every lunchtime and evening we'd both scour the internet.

Then the days and weeks went by and my boyfriend, Matthew, was starting to panic that we might not find anywhere. He'd taken 2 weeks off work and we hoped to fly out close to 25th July. Time was running out fast. Between us we'd spent hours looking at hundreds of different options but nothing that was left excited us enough.

I wasn't panicking though. I knew we'd find somewhere but I thought we might need to lower our expectations.

Wednesday 20th, this week, Matthew suggested we go to Paris instead because we both love it there.

As great as that would be for a Plan B, I had my heart set on my dream beach holiday.

That afternoon, I had 2 hours between clients. I set a timer and the intention to find our perfect holiday.

And I DID. Guess where we're going!!!??

Santorini, baby!!! Wooohoooo!

I couldn't believe it when I found it.

Our dream location with everything we wanted plus more. We have a balcony with a jacuzzi. AND our apartment is right next to the only juice bar on the island (last year I took a juicer on holiday with us - that's how much of a juicer I am).

Wow. Wow. Wow. The Universe delivered BIG time.

I knew I'd find something but I had NO idea we'd get our ultimate dream with less than a week to go. This really is better than anything I had hoped for.

What does this have to do with you?

I want you to remember that when you get really clear on your desires and hold the faith that it will happen, you'll be rewarded with results beyond your wildest dreams. Even if you feel like time is running out, don't give up!

Here's how you manifest anything in life: dream business goals, an incredible relationship with an amazing man and idyllic holidays.

1) Get crystal clear on what you want.
2) Create a Pinterest board so your subconscious mind knows exactly what you want.
3) Dream BIG (don't limit yourself).
4) Believe you're worthy of it.
5) Visualise yourself as if it has already happened.
6) Have faith that it will happen.
7) Take action steps towards making it happen (The Universe will then reward you every time).

Try it for yourself.

Warning: There will be more gorgeous Santorini pictures coming your way, I make no apologies for that (wink).

Now, I'm off to bed because we fly out tomorrow morning and have to leave at 3am.

I'm so excited I could burst!!
Emma xx
