Terrified to solo travelling...this story will blow you away.

One of my clients had her own first paying client today!!!! Wooohooo! This is a woman who came to me for coaching, earlier this year, not having a clue what she wanted to do in any area of her life.

She had so much self-hatred and self-doubt that it stopped her making decisions - she couldn't trust herself to make the right one.

She hated her job. She also hated being alone - she would busy herself with anything to avoid being by herself, including getting in a car and driving around with the music on so she didn't have to face her own thoughts.

Just 11 coaching sessions later (she is in "such a good place right now" that she asked to keep the 12th one until the New Year to do some more business coaching) she:

  • Got clear on what she wants to be, do and have in each area of her life.
  • Learnt to really like who she is.
  • Learnt to BELIEVE in herself and trust her decisions.
  • Re-decorated her flat to make it a place she's excited to spend time in.
  • Stood up for herself in front of those in her life (her boss and certain members of her family) who used to speak to her like a child. 
  • Created a blog and social media accounts
  • Started a business she is giddy about.
  • Got her first paying client!! 

AND...the part that gives me EVEN more goosebumps...she's just booked a flight to go SOLO travelling to Bali at the end of December.

Yes...SOLO!!! Just think about the person she had to grow into and become, to even consider that let alone book it. 

She doesn't even recognise herself.

To say I am proud of her is an understatement.

THIS is why I LOVE what I do.


If 2016 hasn't turned out the way you hoped it would then there's still time to do something about it. 

I help my clients to: 




Ready to create a life that you're giddy about? When you know what you want and have the belief that you can make it happen, ANYTHING is possible.

Book a FREE call with me and let's talk about how we could make that happen for you, so YOU begin 2017 the person you always wanted to be. 

This is what other clients of mine had to say after I posted this story in my Facebook group:

A LOT can happen in 7 weeks with me as your coach. Get that champagne on ice ready for a New Year to really celebrate!

Emma xx

P.S. Book a complimentary call with me to find out how YOU too can create a life that excites you.


