Go from drudgery to a career you love

  • Do you live for your holidays?
  • Do you know your life is destined for much more?
  • Is your job draining the life out of you?
  • Do you wish you knew what else you wanted to do?

I know exactly how that feels.

Rewind to 2003: I seemed to work every hour that I didn’t eat or sleep.  I'd crawl to the weekend and hope a lie-in would recharge and nourish me enough to feel alive again.  I would get out of bed each weekday exhausted; promising myself that I would go to bed a bit earlier that night.  In the evening, when I finally put my work down, I felt I had a little more energy.  I’d end up staying up far too late – those precious hours from 10pm-12am felt like my escape.  I was starting to feel like me again.  I would then wake up exhausted the next day and the cycle would continue.

I wanted to feel alive and excited by life. Instead all my energy went on my job.

I wasn’t living – I was merely surviving.

I’d not only count down the days to the weekend but more importantly the H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.S

Oh the holidays – thank goodness for those precious rays of light at the end of the draw-out weeks of drudgery.

That had become my life – living for the weekends and holidays.

The problem was I thought this was normal.  Everyone around me was the same.  We all craved so much more but had no idea what it was.  Or if it were even possible.

I was craving some space.  I felt like I wanted the world to stop spinning so I could climb off (even just for a day or two).

So when the holidays arrived I needed the first part to rest and build my energy up.  I slowed down enough to recharge my batteries.

Then the fun could happen - the middle part of the holidays! I felt so FREE.  I felt energised.  I made plans.  I dreamt of spending my days doing what I loved and feeling ALIVE.  I researched ideas of other possible jobs.  I even trained to be an image consultant; I had lots of ideas but didn’t know how to implement them. Nevertheless this was still exciting.  I felt so hopeful.

The last few days of my holiday were spent rushing to get chores done with the impending doom of what was to come – going back to week-on-week where all I seemed to do was work tirelessly in a job I questioned why I’d even gone into.

I’d then return to work and park my dreams until the subsequent holiday.

Does this sound like you? Are you fed up with the years whizzing by and you don’t feel any closer to living a life that excites you and makes you excited to get up in the morning?

It is possible. I’ve done it and so can you...

I “lived” like that for 3 more years.  And then my body gave out on me.  I ended up not being able to put one foot in front of the other.  I ended up in hospital and came out in a wheelchair.

I was one of the “lucky” ones.  Things got so bad that I had no option than to re-evaluate my whole life.

Fast forward to 2015. I have a business that makes me feel like I have finally found myself; I feel in alignment with who I truly am.  Just like when you are in love: 'when you know you know' and I KNOW this is what I am meant to do.  Coaching clients brings me to life.  I feel excited to wake up.  My "job" now fills me with passion, purpose and pleasure.

Here's how I got excited about "work" again:

1:: Connection

I realised that I had completely lost connection with myself.  I didn’t even know what I wanted ~ I just knew that I literally couldn’t go on like that any longer.  I needed to connect back to being myself.  I spent money I didn't really have on hiring a coach.  It was one of the best investments I've ever made; it was life-changing.  She really "got" me and I was able to bare my soul to her.  She helped me to peel off the "mask" and rediscover who I was.

2:: Fun

I wasn’t having any fun week-to-week.  I’d forgotten what fun even was.  And when I did have fun it seemed to be reserved for a sacred slot at the weekend.  This is no way for anyone to live.  Our bodies need fun and excitement.  Have you ever noticed now much more energy you have when you are doing something fun?  You could have felt knackered all day at work but then you go out with your girlfriends in the evening and BOOM you feel yourself again.  I brought fun back into my life and that is high up on the agenda for most of my clients!

3:: Clarity

Having connected back with myself I was finally able to piece all the parts of the jigsaw together.  This is when I got the clarity that I wanted to be a coach.  I had been coaching women without realising it in my role as an image consultant.  I was helping them to see their own potential.  I got the clarity on:

  • What I would love to spend my days doing
  • Who I wanted to work with
  • What my dream job would be
  • What my limiting beliefs were
  • What action steps I needed to take

4:: Breaking The Mould

I began to see what was possible.  I had the space to dream BIG and my dreams started to manifest.  I am now a walking example of the fact that you can get out of the "standard" 5 days a week working 9-5. I broke the mould and literally creating my IDEAL JOB.  I coach women to get the Connection, Clarity and Confidence to do the same.  It's what I am deeply passionate about.

You were not meant for a life of drudgery! You are not meant for mediocrity.

You are meant to live a life of passion, purpose and pleasure.

You are meant to be excited to live each day: not just two fifths of your life!  It IS possible to love your work.  We all have our own unique talents and passions and when you turn them into your 'day job' you will be filled with energy and enthusiasm for each day.

Live boldly! Come ALIVE!

5:: Support

You really can create a job that fills you with passion, purpose and pleasure.  And you don’t have to do it alone! I didn’t.  I hired a coach to help me to make quantum leaps.  I know the power of having a coach.

A great coach will:

  • hold the space for you to DREAM BIGGER than ever
  • help you RELEASE the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  •  hold you ACCOUNTABLE to taking ACTION steps.

Make today the day you decide to no longer just live for the weekends and holidays.

May you never be the same again! Much love,

Emma xx

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