What is your biggest struggle when it comes to ______? Please explain what feels challenging about it.
If you could snap your fingers and change one thing in your life, what would it be?
How is this problem getting in the way of you ______? (Find out how their problem is impacting their life.)
How would it feel to be free of that problem?
How much would you be willing to invest in making that change?
What results would you expect to see/experience?
What have you tried so far to ______? What were your results? What did and didn’t work?
How would it feel to finally have a solution/feel better/make this change? (Use their language)
If I could wave a magic wand, what would you like your (appearance, life, business, weight, etc) to look like?
If asking in-person or on the phone you could also ask them:
What do you feel would be possible in your life (something that doesn’t feel possible now) when you have _______?
What has stopped you from hiring a ______ in the past?
What else would you like to know about how a ________ can help you?